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Personalised elevators: adapting vertical mobility to specific needs

Personalised elevators: adapting vertical mobility to specific needs

Elevators are a fundamental element in our daily lives, facilitating our vertical movements in buildings. However, for some people with special needs, such as wheelchair users or those with any type of reduced mobility, accessing the upper floors can be challenging.

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Hidral participates in the II FEPYMA Congress

Hidral participates in the II FEPYMA Congress

On May 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, the 2nd Congress of Small and Medium-sized Elevator Companies took place in Seville, organized by FEPYMA and with the participation of Hidral. During the event, we had the opportunity to present the project of our sister company, Acros by Hidral.

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Discover all the uses of industrial elevators.

Discover all the uses of industrial elevators.

One of the common uses of industrial elevators is the movement of large loads comfortably and quickly through the different floors of a building. Although there are many uses for industrial elevators, their main use is to speed up the movement and productivity processes of companies and industries in an adapted way.

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The usefulness of scissor lifts

The usefulness of scissor lifts

The use of scissor lifts is becoming more and more widespread due to their efficiency and the good conditions they guarantee to the worker who uses them. In this post we explain everything related to scissor lifts.

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Los ascensores más rápidos del mundo

Los ascensores más rápidos del mundo

El ascensor es un invento que ha cambiado literalmente nuestras vidas, aportando una gran comodidad. El invento se atribuye a Elisha Graves Otis, que patentó su primer ascensor en la fábrica de camas Maize & Burns de Nueva York, donde trabajaba. Desde entonces, el ascensor ha dejado de ser un simple medio para llegar a los pisos superiores de un edificio.

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Conoce los ascensores pequeños para casa

Conoce los ascensores pequeños para casa

Los ascensores pequeños para casa están diseñados para resolver las necesidades de movilidad vertical y eliminar las barreras arquitectónicas en el hogar. Son la solución ideal para redescubrir por fin el placer de moverse libre de las fatigosas escaleras. Ocupan poco espacio y aumentan el confort y la calidad del edificio. Los pequeños ascensores son muy útiles y, a menudo, se prefieren a los ascensores normales en viviendas particulares o pequeños edificios de varias plantas. Estos pequeños ascensores para casas pueden fabricarse según sus deseos. Puede solicitar pequeños ascensores que reflejen su gusto o que encajen perfectamente con el estilo y el aspecto de la casa que los alberga.

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